Monday, October 12, 2009


so, my firend libby found out i wanted a cat. we were having a little mouse problem so i thought... a cat! i just wanted an outside cat. turns out she catches ferral cats and "domesticates" them which basically means, spay and neuters them and finds them a home.
so, she brings over "cat".
i was warned...he is ferral, wild, will run away, needs to be kept in a cage for a month to aclimate...etc, etc.
within the first 10 minutes of being here he was rubbing up on my legs and purring. within a week i had him out of a cage and with in a month he had rid HIMSELF of ALL of his dreadlocks and was eating eggs, tofu and ice cream off our plates.
at any rate...i just couldn't name him.
i realized that he was a wild cat, a vistior, we just gave him a warm, safe home and to name him would be an imposition on him. he didn't ask to be here!
that is his name.
people don;t seem to understand the abscence of a name. they have said it is weird, seems unloving...etc.
i TRIED to name him but nothing fit.
i started reading this new book called "awakening to your lifes purpose" and the author put words to a sentiment of mine.
"Words put a hypnotic spell on you...The fact is...words cover up mystery with a label. Things have unfathomable depth. Underneath the appearnace of every creature and thing, is a being and a connection to a living source. When we attach a label, it conjures an image that doesn;t include the "BEING" of the object or thing."
it was all clear to me!
cat, was cat!
i don't know where he came from, why he was ferral, what he has been through. i just know that he is here, with us and is happy.
he may have been named before. i don't know, so i surely was not going to RE- name him.
so, cat, is "Cat".

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